More and more companies are recognising the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR). This is a management strategy in which companies voluntarily incorporate social interests, environmental aspects or relations with various stakeholder groups, especially employees, into their activities. Being socially responsible means investing in human resources, environmental protection, relations with the company’s environment and communicating these activities, which helps to increase the company’s competitiveness and create the conditions for sustainable social and economic development.

CSR is slowly becoming standard practise in Poland, and large companies are even requiring their contractors to ensure that the goods supplied to them are manufactured in such a way as to guarantee fair treatment for all workers involved in production.

This was one of the many reasons why invenio underwent SMETA’s ethical audit in July 2021. The areas examined included the management system, freedom of work and employment, freedom of association of employees, health and safety at work, remuneration of work, compliance with working time standards, prevention of discrimination and mobbing, environmental protection in an extended scope and prevention of corruption and bribery of so-called business practises. We are pleased to inform you that invenio passed the audit with flying colours and received an almost exemplary rating in each of the areas examined.

The purpose of the audit was to verify the compliance of the company’s conduct with the ETI Base Code (Basic Code of Ethics) and the additional requirements contained in the Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA), which contains minimum standards, guidelines and legal requirements that the company should comply with.

The audit itself involved, among other things, interviews with management, those responsible for each of the areas examined, and individual and group interviews with employees. All company documentation was examined and analysed and all production, warehouse, social and office areas were visited.

invenio is a socially conscious company. We take responsibility for the local environments of our branches by getting involved in local cultural and sporting initiatives, supporting sport for children and young people and charities.

We are committed to helping those in need – we support, among others, the Children’s Home in Wałbrzych, the „Świetlikowo” Silesian Children’s Hospice Foundation, the Christoforos Centre of the Blessed Caroline Parish in Tychy, we participate in the „Szlachetna Paczka” campaign, and we co-financed the purchase of a defibrillator for the Rzeszotary Volunteer Fire Brigade.

Our employees can also count on additional attractions – every year we hold several competitions with prizes, such as a OHS knowledge contest, a calendar design contest, or an art contest for employees’ children. We publish a company magazine, organise bicycle tours and integration events. We have our own football team that represents invenio in numerous competitions. The organisation also gives out special awards, e.g. for the birth or adoption of a child, for a marriage or for a company anniversary.

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