At invenio, we firmly believe that business is more than just achieving market success. It’s also social responsibility and a commitment to helping those who need it most.
For this reason, we are proud to remind you that our company has for many years been a donor to the Śląskie Hospicjum dla Dzieci Świetlikowo [Świetlikowo Silesian Children’s Hospice] Foundation in Tychy, which does amazing work providing palliative care and support for children affected by severe illnesses, as well as their families. The mission and dedication of the hospice’s staff to helping those going through difficult times greatly inspire us.
For us, supporting such initiatives is not a duty. First and foremost, it’s a privilege. We believe that together we can make a difference and contribute to improving the lives of children and their families. At the same time, we would like to thank the entire Świetlikowo team for their consistent effort and heart they put into their daily operations. We are honoured to support such a high-impact initiative.
Click here to learn how you can support the hospice: